Friday, April 23, 2010

Why so judgemental?

Not going to name names because it's just not that serious, but an old schoolmate of mine posted on their facebook status about how they don't like all the talk about it being '4/20' and how they were glad they didn't have to say anything to their students to stop talking about it. What makes them feel so entitled that they have to go so far as to judge other people? When I took a step back to think about it, I realized that I'm not that far from the pot calling the kettle black. In the last two blogs (and really just my overall decorum) I'm a pretty tempermental complainer that'll judge even the smallest of situations. The blogs will diversify more and more as the days go on and the topics flow more freely, though I don't know if I want to break down into any long term topics just yet. I've got wrestling every Monday that I could give overviews on. Then again, there's a huge stack of DVD's that I could make reviews for. Football season is coming up and I'm becoming a more and more involved Oakland Raiders fan as the years dredge on.

My only concern with picking topics is my typical decline in interest, a short-term lack of desire, or just an overall laziness that's been about me my entire life. On the other hand, it'll give me more things to blog about and expand the depth in which I go with my writing. In the air, it's all in the air.

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